Hooked on Hounds – Elida S. Villarreal

Elida S. Villarreal1

Staff Writer

Elida S. Villarreal2Born in San Benito, 91-year-old Elida S. Villarreal has lived her whole life in the Resaca City. She said, “I love my city.”

The only daughter of a man who loved football and baseball, our Greyhound super fan of the week said, “That’s where I got my love of football from. I followed in my daddy’s steps.”

Elida wasn’t in band or cheer when she was in high school. Actually, she said times have changed very much since she was younger. “We were very different. When we passed through to high school, girls were different… Then, we got the spirit,” said Elida, eluding to the fact that she always loved sports and her Greyhounds, even when she didn’t have the platform to express her diehard fanaticism at a level she would later embrace.

“When my first daughter was in high school,” said Elida, “she was in band, and I started going to the [football] games.” That’s where she began publicly displaying her team spirit. She said, “When my daughter [was selected] drum major of the band, I helped out with Band Boosters.” From there, Elida’s life would never be the same.

Many Greyhound football fans look forward to listening to the Mighty Greyhound Band, who recently made it to the state contest for the first time ever. Elida said, “I love the band.” She paused, and a moment of reflection decorated her face. As an onlooker, this reporter could just imagine what beautiful scenes of old might have flashed through her memories. She said with a breathy sigh, “Oh, the band. I’m so proud of the band that they went to state this year.”

At 91, one might assume her love of arriving early, sitting in the stands for hours on end and experiencing the rush of a late-night football game might have dwindled – but that person would be incorrect because Elida said, “I love the greyhounds. I go to all the games. I go to volleyball, football…all the games.”

Spoken like a true-blue (or true-purple-and-gold) fan, Elida said, “My favorite [Greyhound sport] is football.” Here’s a little more about why she loves the game and why she adores her beloved ‘Hounds.

News: What makes you a super fan?

Elida: “When I started going to the games, my father bought me a cow bell to take it with me. I ring it.”

News: How long have you had the bell?

Elida: (She thought for a while) “A long time. [I’ve had it] since I started going to the games.”

News: What is your favorite Greyhound game of the season: The Battle of the Arroyo or the Homecoming game?

Elida: “Battle of the Arroyo?” she said with exasperation, flinging her hands, “Forget it.” She laughed with a disdain for the Harlingen Cardinals only a Greyhound can possess. Then she continued, saying, “I like them all. I like all the games.”

News: Have you ever missed a game?

Elida: “The only game I missed was one game against Los Fresnos because I was sick.” She held up her index finger. “That was the only one. We follow them everywhere.”

News: What do you want to say to the 2012 ’Hounds?

Elida: “Go Greyhounds! Good luck!”

On whether or not Elida would be in attendance at Friday’s homecoming game, she paused. A moment of deep thought reflected in her eyes. Clad in a purple and gold Greyhound shirt, adorned with shiny purple and gold necklaces and sparkly purpling earrings, Elida was the epitome of a classy Greyhound fan. I would soon realize why she had such hesitation in her voice, as she began explaining that her concerned family had just told her that her daughter was taken to the hospital.

Fortunately, her daughter should be just fine, as the case of food poisoning she might have had is treatable. As she finished explaining the story, finally, a smile again spread across her face, and Elida shrugged off the concern. Elida drew out the words, “She’s not critical.” She continued, saying, “I’m going to the game if I can.”

In her own words, Elida ended the interview by saying, “I am the Greyhounds’ number one fan.”

Editor’s Note: Before the end of the year, fans featured in Hooked on ’Hounds will be rounded up. You can vote on your favorites to participate in the First Annual San Benito News Hooked on ’Hounds competition. To recommend a fan to feature, email editor@sbnewspaper.com.

Read this story in the Nov. 11 edition of the San Benito News, or subscribe to our E-Edition by clicking here.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sbnewspaper.com/2012/11/10/hooked-on-hounds-elida-s-villarreal/


    • Its plain and simple on November 10, 2012 at 3:28 pm
    • Reply

    Should of taken a picture of her holding (ringing) the cow bell!….

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