IN GOOD FAITH: Where God Leads Part 7


Living Waters Church

Pastor Mark Molina

Pastor Mark Molina

Special to the NEWS

In this final part to the series of “Where God Leads” I want to put together some excerpts from the previous 6 weeks. It is important for us to revisit some of the previous learning points. We know how things work out in Egypt. There has been more than enough movies, in many forms, that we can recall the Exodus story. However, there are other subtle points that are very important as God desires to lead us to very place we are trying to flee from.

Where God Leads Part 1 – “Isn’t it amazing the type of people that God calls to the ministry? He calls people no one else believes in. Most importantly He leads those that He calls back to the place that they have been running from. He leads them back to the place of their fear so they will know that His process of redemption is complete. The place of fear now becomes their place of faith.”

Where God Leads Part 2 – “The place that God leads us to will always have a specific call and function. He gives us a specific message for the people of the region. He wants us to make clear why He has sent us there.”

Where God Leads Part 3 – “I believe it is important for us to remember that when God leads us away from what we know is our purpose during a season of correction it is to give us a double portion of His Spirit for the work that lies ahead. We never see God giving up on the ones He calls. We do that to each other in our fallen humanity, but you never see God do that in the Bible.”

Where God Leads Part 4 – “It took God 40 years to restore Moses. It also took 40 years to change the climate in Egypt so that the leadership and the people would be prepared to receive Moses and the message God had given him. Sometimes we want the circumstances and the consequences of our poor choices to go away or be changed in one day. We are losing our ability to endure and we do not want to be corrected in anything by anyone.”

Where God Leads Part 5 – “God does not send those whom He calls on assignments in order to flounder and fail. He sends those He calls on assignment to fulfill His mandate for that hour. It will be specific. It will have a specific outcome. It will be what God has predestined it to be. And it will not need the approval of anyone.”

Where God Leads Part 6 – “Remember when God sent Moses to Pharaoh, the Elders of Israel, he was given a specific dialog. He wasn’t told to speak his own mind. He was told to follow the counsel and instruction of God. It was the same for me on Monday (at the Senate). The Lord sent me with a specific prayer to say. My only job was to give it.”

As I enter into my fifth year of full time ministry I have come to know and understand many things regarding my assignment as “Where God Leads.” It is not what I thought it would be. God’s ideas for the ministry He has given are totally different than mine. His plan and purposes are completely different than mine. His timetable and concept of success are completely different than mine. Like Moses, I am sometimes left stammering as to what I thought God had for me to do.

I believe God’s concept of success is based on our obedience to His Call for us. It’s easy to get confused with all of the media outlets today. Churches and ministry leaders can be more prone to follow the latest marketing techniques and fads more than they are following the specificity of God.

We have come to foolishly believe and accept the approval of God is in the number, prosperity, popularity and notoriety of what we do. If we have a big building, big budget and big congregation that it surely must mean: “God is really using us!”

Allow God to lead you where He will. No matter the assignment. No matter the appearance of it.



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