City: Why was swimming pool decommissioned while it was under warranty?



A variety of citizen concerning topics were placed on the agenda for the city meeting Tuesday evening ranging from San Benito’s founder being honored, possible restrictions to be set on seasonal vendors, the City partaking in a biking trail projected to attract bicycle tourists and increase revenue, 10 summer job positions to be offered to the youth by the City, and lastly, the no-longer stagnant issue of the city pool.


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    • ReformSanBenito2 on June 26, 2015 at 9:12 am
    • Reply

    To our city leaders:

    Is there a city ordinance that prohibits individuals from parking their vehicles on the sidewalk? Furthermore, when will ALL city sidewalks be upgraded to meet handicap accessibility standards?

    • Ima Roach on June 23, 2015 at 3:06 pm
    • Reply

    Good question Mr. Joe D. Gonzalez, “Why was swimming pool decommissioned while it was under warranty?”

    I recommend you speak to your buddy, former Mayor Joe Hernandez and former City Manager Victor Trevino. I have been informed that all of these transpired during their term or time in office.

    While you’re at it, ask Joe Hernandez “What ever happened to the “Splash Pad” he promised the people after closing the swimming pool?

    Word around the local cantinas and sports bars is that Joe Hernandez is planning a comeback at the next election and running for Mayor again.

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