PROBE PROGRESS: District releases second bill in Limón investigation

Managing Editor



Work completed in the San Benito Consolidated Independent School District Board of Trustees investigation into suspended Superintendent of Schools Antonio G. Limón appeared minimal during the month of October, at least according to an invoice submitted by the law firm hired to conduct the probe.

In the service summary of the invoice, which was dated Nov. 2, two meetings and an email correspondence amounted to a $562.50 bill from Guerra and Farah PLLC, the Houston-based attorneys hired by the board to investigate a number of allegations into Limón at a rate of $150 per hour.

Want the whole story? Pick up a copy of the Dec. 1 edition of the San Benito News, or subscribe to our E-Edition by clicking here.

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    • RosalindaG.Garcia, Realtor on December 2, 2013 at 4:02 pm
    • Reply

    Gee, just read Rogelio Nunez “Letter to the Editor” regarding the majority four school board members. Totally agree. I have done public comment at school board meetings against some decision making these four majority school board members have done. I am pleased to see a community member like Mr. Nunez comment against the poor actions that these majority 4 board members continue to make. May others like him also join him.

    Note: At last regular school board meeting I was hoping that Ms. Huerta would detach herself from the board president and vice president and vote to re-instate Mr. Limon or take Mr. Obregon’s recommendation to place Mrs. Sanchez as interim. I was hoping that she would think for herself and vote for what is best for the district. But noooo!

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